MAC MUSEUM – Nina Nolte Posters

MAC Museum - Nina Nolte Posters

MAC MUSEUM – Nina Nolte Posters – Starke Frauen

The Starke Frauen posters of the MAC Museum have arrived. I am excited.

Mac Museum - Berlin- with Nina Nolte ArtSolutions Presenting
Mac Museum – Berlin- with Nina Nolte ArtSolutions Presenting

Nina Nolte ArtSolutions at the Mac Museum creating the posters that show one of her artworks, now forming part of the collection of the museum: A strong woman, driving into her new life, with style, in a classic Morgan. It is autobiographic ;-); really suiting to the title of this collective exhibition STARKE FRAUEN, strong women. Strong women in the automotive sector and strong women in art.

You should visit this private museum in Singen at the Lake Boden, close to Zurich. It has a remarkable collection of historical vehicles and art worth seeing. More information on the web.

P.S. My artwork now forms part of the collection.

Contact us to order or for information:

Nina Nolte video presenting at Starke Fauen – Mac Museum Singen, Germany