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This artwork IN GEM-LIT CURRENTS, A KOI WHISPERS TALES OF FORTUNE is a 15-color screen print created by our artist Sukono Tashima. Tashima crafted it using his tablet. The Japanese artist was selected by Nina Nolte to be the first of more coming artists in our SHOP.

It is a mesmerizing piece of digital art that captivates the viewer with its rich, vibrant imagery and symbolic depth. The artwork is a vivid exploration of the intersection between nature and the man-made, where the organic beauty of a koi fish swims through a dazzling sea of multifaceted gemstones.

The central figure in this artwork is a strikingly colored koi fish, rendered in a vivid pinkish-purple hue. This koi, with intricate details of scales and fins, appears almost translucent, allowing a deeper examination of its structure and design. The fish swims gracefully, seemingly gliding through a current made not of water but of brilliant gemstones. These gems, depicted in a riot of colors—reds, greens, blues, yellows, and purples—create a dazzling background that both contrasts with and complements the koi.

Each gemstone is meticulously crafted, reflecting light in a way that mimics the sparkle and shine of real jewels. The sharp facets and crisp edges of these gems suggest a sense of precision and clarity, while their varying sizes and shapes contribute to the dynamic energy of the composition. The light play within these gems creates an illusion of depth, giving the artwork a multi-dimensional quality.

Sukono Tashima. in gem-lit currents, a koi whispers tales of fortune
Sukono Tashima. in gem-lit currents, a koi whispers tales of fortune

See how you can hang this quality print on your wall with AR (augmented reality). Click to watch the video.

The koi fish is a traditional symbol in many Asian cultures, often associated with perseverance, strength, and fortune. In this piece, the koi seems to be navigating a path through wealth and prosperity, represented by the surrounding gemstones. The juxtaposition of the natural and the material speaks to the blending of spiritual and worldly pursuits, suggesting that true fortune lies not just in material wealth but also in the perseverance and grace with which one navigates life’s challenges.

Sukono Tashima’s style in this piece can be described as a fusion of hyperrealism and fantasy. The hyperrealistic depiction of the koi and the gemstones gives the artwork a tangible, almost photographic quality. However, the fantastical elements—such as the impossibility of a fish swimming through a stream of gems—add a surreal, dreamlike aspect to the piece. This blending of realism with fantasy creates a sense of wonder, inviting the viewer to suspend disbelief and immerse themselves fully in the artwork.

The use of color in this piece is particularly striking. The vibrant palette is both harmonious and intense, with the bold colors of the gems creating a kaleidoscopic effect that is visually stimulating. The pink and purple tones of the koi are especially effective in drawing the viewer’s eye, ensuring that the fish remains the focal point despite the overwhelming brilliance of the surrounding gems.

Emotionally, the artwork evokes feelings of awe and curiosity. The viewer is drawn into the world the artist has created, a world where nature and material wealth coexist in a delicate balance. The sense of movement, with the koi seemingly in motion through the gems, adds a dynamic energy that keeps the viewer engaged, encouraging them to explore every facet of the composition.

Interpretatively, the piece can be seen as a commentary on the pursuit of fortune—how it can be both a journey through tangible wealth and an exploration of deeper, more intangible riches. The koi’s presence suggests that wisdom, strength, and perseverance are just as valuable, if not more so, than the gems it swims among.

IN GEM-LIT CURRETS, A KOI WHISPERS TALES OF FORTUNE is a visually stunning and symbolically rich artwork that captures the viewer’s imagination with its bold use of color, intricate detail, and thought-provoking themes. Sukono Tashima’s work here is a masterful blend of the real and the surreal, offering a piece that is both aesthetically pleasing and deeply meaningful.

In Japan, the koi fish is a symbol of luck, prosperity, and bliss. Within this piece, the artist depicts a pink koi swimming in crystal-clear water, surrounded by an abundance of vibrant and oversized gemstones on the bottom. The artist’s intention is for this artwork to bring luck, bliss and prosperity to its owner. This is why the artwork is titled “IN GEM-LIT CURRENTS, A KOI WHISPERS TALES OF FORTUNE”.

The high-quality artprint is available in three sizes, Small, Medium and Large.


In our commitment to making also Sukono Tashima’s art accessible to all enthusiasts, we’ve introduced an innovative system for exclusive art prints that are both portable and easy to assemble.

We take pride in our sustainable fabric, EcoWeave, crafted from recycled PET bottles. It combines a high-resolution digital print with a delicate weave, resulting in a truly unique visual experience. The inks used are both solvent-free and waterproof.

Additionally, our space-efficient packing system contributes to environmental conservation by reducing shipping volume. This, in turn, leads to more affordable and eco-conscious shipping costs.

The prints come with a silicon rubber border, ensuring a secure fit within the accompanying aluminum frame, included in the price.

With every order, you’ll receive clear assembly instructions and hanging materials. The only tool you’ll need is the provided allen key, making assembly a breeze.



When selecting the optimal size for your artwork, aim for it to occupy 4/7 to 3/4 of the available wall space. Simply measure your space in centimeters or inches, then multiply by 0.6 to 0.75. For instance, with 270 cm (105”) of space, an artwork with a width of 160 cm (63”) would be an ideal fit.

We offer three standard sizes: Small, Medium, and Large, with custom sizes available upon request.


Small 70 x 70 cm – 27.5 x 27.5", Medium 100 x 100 cm – 39.5 x 39.5", Large 140 x 140 cm – 55 x 55"

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